【同义词辨析】 2017-04-14 批评criticize-denounce(2小组一起记)
(1) 批评
criticize: implies finding fault especially with methods or intentions: ~ the police for using violence.
reprehend: implies both criticism and severe rebuke: ~ the self-centeredness of today’s students.
blame: may simply imply the opposite of praise, but more often suggests the placing of responsibility or guilt for wrongdoing: ~ herself for the accident.
censure: carries a stronger suggestion of authority, and of more or less formal reprimand than blame: a Senator formally ~d by his peers. (reprimand正式强烈批评,见第二组第三条)
reprobate: implies strong disapproval and firm refusal to sanction: ~ his son’s adulterous adventures.
condemn: suggests an unqualified and final judgment that is unfavorable and merciless: ~ the government’s racial policies.
denounce: adds to condemn the implication of a public declaration: stood and ~d the war.
criticize: 批评是指出缺点,多针对方法或动机,reprehend: 批评和呵斥(rebuke尖锐严厉指责sharp, stern, 是下组第二个),blame: 可能仅与赞扬相反,但多指归咎责任和罪责,censure: 表示更权威的批评,正式严肃,reprobate: 强烈不赞成坚决不支持, condemn谴责: 指无限的(unqualified不受限制)终极的无情的批评,denounce: 公开宣称的谴责
记忆方法:1) 首字母重组成CR CR CBD在CBD吵吵嚷嚷<==被批评
2) 批评意思是公开指出缺点mean to find fault with openly.
(2) 批评
reprove: implies an often kindly censuring or blaming intended to correct a fault: gently ~d her table manners.
rebuke: suggests a sharp or stern reproof: the papal letter ~d dissenting church officials.
reprimand: implies a severe, formal, and often public or official rebuke: a general officially ~ed for speaking out of turn. (reprimand用来解释第一组censure,词义接近)
admonish: suggests an earnest or friendly warning and counseling: ~ed by my parents to control expenses. (earnest真诚热情,海明威Earnest Hemmingway)
reproach: connotes the conveying of dissatisfaction or displeasure through criticism or faultfinding: were severely ~ed for their late return.
chide: suggests the expression of disappointment or displeasure through mild reproof or scolding: ~d by their mother for not keeping their room clean.
reprove批评: 善意批评帮助改正,rebuke呵斥: 严厉尖锐的批评,reprimand呵斥: 强烈正式公开官方的呵斥,admonish告诫: 真诚友好的提醒建议,reproach批评: 通过批评表达不满不快,chide批评: 通过温和批评表达不赞成不快
记忆方法: 1) RRRARC想成Chang An RenRenRenRen长安四人帮<==被批评
2) 批评的意思是负面批评mean to criticize adversely.